Friday, August 7, 2015


Malachite, the vivid bluish green to green opaque gem stone has distinctive markings. They are usually curved, light and dark stripes and can have circular markings do to its botryoidal crystal, (resembling bunches of grapes), habit. Malachite  is a relatively soft stone, only a 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale so therefore, it can scratch easily and has a "poor" toughness. So be careful if you have it set in a ring.

Typically, malachite is made into beads and cabachons for setting in to pendants. Malachite is also quite popular in  inlays and carvings.

It is often found around deposits of copper as this is the mineral which causes the beautiful color. It is mined in Zaire, Australia, England, France, Namibia, Romania, South Africa, US, USSR and Zimbabwe.

Most commercial malachite is enhanced with impregnation with paraffin or epoxy resins with can improve the polish and hide small cracks. So care must be taken when exposing enhanced specimens to heat.

The best way to clean your malachite jewelry is is warm soapy water. Never use a steamer or an ultrasonic cleaner.

I was able to obtain some large size cabochons which I have fashioned in to pendants. I was told that they were mined in Arizona, USA and were cut by hand.

The markings these pieces are stunning. I have used sterling silver and gold fill wire to make the pendants. I have made a large bails so that they  can fit on most bead strands or leather cords.

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